Cleansing Balm Battle!

Okay so, we saw previously my opinions on each of the “flavours” of Clean It Zero by Banila Co., now we have some new contenders to add to the mix!

Our two additions are the very luxe looking Heimish All Clean Balm, and the Grain Ferment Cleansing Sherbet by Botanic Farm.

You know the drill, I’ve been using these products and have already formed my opinions on them, but how do they stack up side by side?

I slathered my arm in my most hard-working, long-wearing, bulletproof, waterproof, apocalypse-proof makeup, then used a cotton tip to apply roughly the same amount of each balm to each section.

Smoosh them around a bit (trying not to mix them together, failing slightly. Also failing to notice I missed a chunk of concealer on the far right. Dangit.)


And rinse!

So how did we stack up? Much of a muchness to be honest, that lipstick and mascara were NOT going anywhere without a dedicated makeup remover, and the rest vanished at the first sight of emulsification.

The glob of eyeliner on the left was the first stroke, if I’d have sharpened the pencil for each I bet it would have been the same for all three (also I wouldn’t have scratched my arm which you can see on the right. Eh.)

All in all though, I really really dislike the Heimish cleanser. Cute packaging, meh everything else. Smells floral and cloying, melts in the pot which is really annoying, and has a gross residue that sometimes even my foam cleanser struggles with.

And our winner is…

I LOVE this stuff. Smells great and the emulsification, guys, THE EMULSIFICATION. It feels so buttery and washes away with the tiniest bit of water.

It’s a bit harder to find and even though it apparently contains delicious ferments, I don’t put much weight on that as I’m just washing it down the drain anyway.

Do you have a fave cleansing balm?



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